Wednesday, December 19, 2018

You’re A Salesperson in Your Life!

Strange as it may seem, our life is made up of a series of “sales presentations”. Sales may not be your gig, but if you’re the boss you’re making presentations everyday. Be it a pitch to your Board, announcing a policy change to employees, selling an idea to your spouse, or just trying to win others over to your point of view – you need to punch up your people skills for winning pitches.

Human nature is such that people support solutions that they help create, so involve them by allowing your audience to participate with questions or ideas. It goes without saying that to not involve key people is risky, because messages can be misunderstood. Your plans may be derailed before they begin if sufficient “buy-in” is lacking. Use lots of open-endedquestions in your presentation to draw out the silent type.

Preparation is a key to success. Prepare your listeners to what’s coming during or before your presentation. Try these pre-meeting tactics:

• Assign task-related pre-work. This could be pre-reading or study of a problem, and the preparations of possible solutions. An example could be, “go and visit three kinds of accounts before the meeting.”
• Make pre-meeting contacts with those invited by email, phone, or in person. You might want to try an informal survey to get people’s position on the issues at hand.

Remember support on key or controversial matters can be established ahead of time by lobbying, if you know where to lobby.

Do your research! People who make it look easy and are effective presenters have a hidden arsenal. This is an arsenal of up-to-date, organized material that can be accessed quickly in ready-to-use form when needed. They have the stats to back up their ideas, and they have a mental arsenal of stories, examples, jokes, and ice-breakers to use when needed.

Your physical presentation could include tangible items relating to the issue such as recent articles clipped from newspapers or magazines, photographs, reports, and demonstration property. To become masterful in this art learn to maintain resources you can access for just the right thing at the right time.

The next thing you must do is to explain “why?” The single most powerful thing you can do to convince your audience of something is to provide a convincing reason why they should do what you suggest or believe what you say. People want and need a clear “WIIFM” – “what’s in it for me?” – to be able to react positively to what you want them to do. It’s extremely important that you deliver a vision of benefits. Hearing the “why” won’t automatically generate a “yes” to your proposition, but it’ll open the door for receptivity to your idea.

Knowing and accepting the “why” satisfies a basic need that we all have – to understand the purpose of our actions. Use the words “because” or “so that” in your presentation and then finish the phrase. When your subject matter is controversial or likely to generate emotions, it is essential that your “why’s” be tested in advance. Ask some people you trust or that are on your “team” to play devil’s advocate to help you with your logic and arguments.

These are just the first four points for making successful presentations. There are eight of them in total, and we’ll look at the other four in my column next week. For now, let me leave you with this thought.
Life is a sales job from beginning to end. From the moment that we discern how to get approval as children, winning friends at school, getting our first beau, getting our first (and subsequent) job, getting engaged and married, achieving our goals, and anything else you can think of in between – we’re selling ourselves or our ideas all along the way. Who said you weren’t a salesperson?

Thursday, August 30, 2018

When writing articles, we use search engine techniques, suply web sites owners with a list of keywords and let them know where they should be placed and how many they should be repeated throughout the article. A variety of definations of advertising exist but the best I've found yet to cover what advertising is can be summed up in the following 2 statements: ad•ver•tis•ing n.: The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media. Also defined as "the non personal communication of information through various media, paid for by the advertiser and is usually convincing in nature about the need to buy products and services" - the advertisers of course. Advertising our company’s products and services to our targeted audience is essential to maintain a long lasting and prosperous relationship. If we’re not continually winning our customers over then the competition will. So, What Does Our Advertising Agency Do? If your business can afford it an advertising agency will really help you alot. Advertising agencies spend all day long just doing advertising for various businesses. We already know the cost/thousand numbers of the various media available in your area, We also have a good idea of what will or will not work well for your type of business. This will come at a price but will definitely be the short track to your businesses success, unless your time is not worth much to you, and in that case go ahead and waste it if you'd like. (:--) A successful advertising campaign will strongly depend on how our advertising agency has designed your advertisements; therefore I've provided the following help. Tips For Choosing An Advertising Agency 1) The popularity and reputation of the advertising agency 2) The charges / work ration of the advertising agency 3) The working efficiency of the advertising agency The longevity and overall success of your business can be obtained by the help of a good advertising agency saving you precious time and huge amounts of money should you not know what you're doing. The Latest Types Of Advertising Now a days advertising on the internet has become a very popular and effective tool to promote and reach target audience. Known as digital advertising, pay per click advertising or internet advertising marketing, the benefits are huge. Considering the cost savings of knowing ahead of time what the consumer response of one advertisement over the other is will be essential information to a great ad campaign. With an online advertising campaign you have the immediate benefit of testing of your campaign rather than waiting till it's over with traditional media. Through text advertisement programs like Google Adwords for example you can have a campaign up and running within minutes to test how well various words will be clicked. You can then test this further to ensure the clients that are going to your site are the type of customers you want and not just "tire kickers" so to speak. Once your online advertisement campaign is able to draw the right clientele you'll be in a better position to launch an offline, more expensive traditional style advertising campaign. Our online advertising agency can help you plan, design and implement internet advertising of your products and services to take the confusion out of the web if online advertising is new to you. Many advertising careers exist and have for years. With the advent of the net of course a new stream of advertising career has been opened up for those desiring to work from their computer rather than the traditional face to face approach. Myself, I recommend a combination of both online and offline for total success of your business.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Twitter of James Makoetla (@africanwizard) - Tweetsrepeat

Twitter of James Makoetla (@africanwizard) - Tweetsrepeat: Analize official Twitter account of James Makoetla (@africanwizard) by words and their repeats of last year.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Twitter of James Makoetla (@africanwizard) - Tweetsrepeat

Twitter of James Makoetla (@africanwizard) - Tweetsrepeat: Analize official Twitter account of James Makoetla (@africanwizard) by words and their repeats of last year.